Period 2 TODAY

Our first class meeting has made our learning community a "profanity free" environment!


Goal: To clearly identify our learning community’s “language appropriate” environment


Method: Interactive class discussion



 ·       “Cuss Bucket”

  • Foul-Mouthed Learner
  • Habitual Foul-Mouthed Learner
  • “framing”


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All students and viewers are made aware of the Appropriate Language Policy applied in Mr. Dennis/Ms. Karl's classroom:

Appropriate Language Policy

  1. During the first class session in September, learners are informed about the inappropriateness of certain language within the classroom.

    2. The standard consequences for the use of inappropriate language are identified:

  • “Cuss Bucket” fee of $0.25;
  • Completion of documentation forms (retained for entire school year)

    3. The consequences of an individual “framing” another learner for the use of inappropriate language is identified:

  • “Cuss Bucket” fee of $0.50;
  • Assignment of 2-hour central detention

    4. Identification of the corrective action procedures that MAY be implemented for those learners whose retained documentation totals more than 5 (five) instances.   

  1. Level 1: A student will be considered a “Foul-mouthed Learner” (FML). This learner will be required to complete the “Bad Language Assignment”. This essay requires the signatures of one adult parent/caretaker and will be graded and incorporated into the marking period grades. The essay will be retained for the remainder of the school year.
  2. Level 2: A FML who has another instance of classroom-wide inappropriate language will be considered a “Habitual Foul-mouthed Learner” (HFML). This infraction necessitates a conference attended by the HFML, the appropriate Dean of Students, an adult parent/caretaker and one of your physics instructors (with all retained documentation).

NOTE: Monies accrued via this policy will be applied to the purchase of behavioral motivation materials as suggested in Kantor’s “Assertive Discipline model.


The class was provided with samples of the forms used in the documenting appropriate language infractions:“Appropriate Language Policy” forms

Students (or teachers) that use inappropriate language will pay $0.25 for each infraction.  They will also fill out one of the designated forms that will be retained until end of the academic year.